Immortality 2 17. I focused on my own priorities. I decided to follow new interests, not forget old ones. I found the new interest. I followed it. I was given resources to sustain this. 18. The baby was either a hologram, a robot or someone else (child birth was accepted as archaic and barbaric). I collected knowledge while immortal. I organised the nodes into groups. I reorganised the data when writing a new book. I inspected the model baby in computer science, a symbol of the work. 19. My meditation helped me to breason out texts, providing an ideal environment for study. I meditated and breasoned ideas out while immortal, choosing immortality over mortality and meditation and breasoning rather than not. I meditated forever, caring for my mind and body. I breasoned out ideas forever, making distinctions between different objects, maintaining good diction and keeping myself occupied. I breasoned out meditation texts, helping me continue to meditate. 20. I smiled at the people and occasionally said hello to them. I socialised with like-minded people while immortal. I noticed that some people and objects were visible, while some weren't while time travelling, with the setting being expressed as my own time. I chose to interact with objects representing other objects, and everything else was attended to. I didn't go too close to people, for e.g. starting a business, because there was not enough information and I didn't want to stand out. 21. I recognised Einstein, Plato, Aristotle and Mozart, and said hello to who I thought was Aristotle (without mentioning his name). I thought it was noteworthy that I was now in the position of time traveller to help people with thoughts, as against a helped person. I worked on As for people I would meet (using cosmology, or mind reader to work out the type of people I would meet). If the people needed help to go to the next point, I helped them in a representation. I visited people who were interested in similar things to me. 22. I figured out ways of automating work, or rather I employed a central point of control of my work (keeping the text files myself) from the simulation, working when I wanted, without time lines. I considered leading a life in a new flat in the simulation, with "spacing" from my mortal life in the world and "padding" in the form of meditation and breasoning. I could find out things that I needed to complete and time travel to the world to deliver them. I could be immortal. I attained exactly what I wanted. 23. I was happy with my work. I had infinite choice-points and the ability to check against professors in the real world. I led a high quality of life in the simulation. Everyone seemed happy with it. I slowly worked towards 50 As in the simulation, and English 50 As for the two times. 24. I liked life. I noticed that nature simultaneously brought me what I needed to be immortal. It brought me my thoughts. It brought me my interests. It brought me my enjoyments. 25. I published the books online. I did exactly what I did, and was famous. I wrote on Pedagogy. I wrote on Meditation. I wrote on Medicine. 26. I wrote on Philosophy. I wrote on the self and other to work out interactions with others. I wrote the self's thoughts. I wrote the other's thoughts. I repeated this until the conversation was complete. 27. All my life's parts were harmlessly represented in the future. I followed my daily regimen each day. I avoided pins and needles. I didn't sit on my foot. I meditated and exercised. 28. I examined nature and the world. I prepared to follow God. I noticed that the problems were solved. Nature was fully explored. I wrote, and that was all the exercise was. 29. I disappeared just before dying. I wrote on money and the world. I had money from before. It translated into money in the future. I looked at images of the world and thought of the future. 30. I focused on myself, and turned details into algorithms by making verbs into commands acting on one or two nouns. I met the professor in the world. Aristotle made the representation that my earlier work was simple enough. The later work contained more algorithms. The algorithms helped organise students' thoughts. 31. The future-compatible algorithms were written ground-up, and were novel. I wrote generally about immortality. I wrote books about the infinite. I wrote about future-compatible ideas. I wrote future-compatible algorithms. 32. I believe nature must be explored to be controlled. I believe God is nature, and that meditation helps longevity. I examined maps of the world. I examined maps of the universe for a long time. I realised the parts of the universe were a coin toss away.